This spring, I am trying my best to remember that although this may feel like a sprint, I am really taking part in a long distance "marathon" through life. You can only sprint for so long before burning out, and in ministry this happens all to often. We are doing our best to set our lives at a pace that we can maintain, establishing priorities that will keep our focus on the things that matter. We want to go the long haul, and to finish well. I have had Hebrews 12:1-2 on my mind: "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Of course this is much easier said than done, but during busy seasons such as the final weeks of the semester it is important for me to remember.
The month leading up to this busy time has been very full, but we had the opportunity to recharge a bit as well. We traveled to Arizona to meet with many of the people who partner with us here at ACC, and we also got to spend time with friends and family.
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Reunited with Nana after a long day of travel. |
One of the things we try to take advantage of when we travel to AZ is the easy access to top medical care. Alaska does ok when it comes to medicine, but for some things we prefer to stick with our established doctors. This trip Noah was able to see his Cardiologist, Dr. Stock, for his semi-annual heart check-up. I think this is the first echocardiogram and EKG we got through with no tears! Everything looks great with Noah's heart. Noah asked a lot of questions, and figured out that Dr. Stock was the one who noticed when his heart was shutting down as a baby and rushed us to the Children's hospital, saving his life. He gave Dr. Stock a huge hug and said "thank you for saving me Dr. Stock." It was very sweet, and everyone teared up a bit, including the doc.
In addition to updating many of our ministry partners in AZ we were able to see many close friends that we consider family. This visit, some of our best friends were visiting from Central Asia where they serve with the International Mission Board. Grace was ecstatic to be reunited with her best buddy Adeline, who she has not seen in four years. Now that they are old enough to use computers they have set up emails so that they can continue to email back and forth instead of relying on Mom and Dad to Skype.
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Grace and Adeline 4 years ago, and now. |
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All of the girl "cousins." |

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Almost the whole gang, including the Alaskan grandkids, the Arizonan grandkids, and half of the Central Asian grandkids. |
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Nana with some of her kiddos |
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Mema and Noah hit the ice |
The week flew by, and all to soon it was time to head back to the frozen (or not so frozen) North. The weather in Alaska has been gorgeous throughout March, and we have enjoyed the lengthening days, with more sunlight. Then April hit, and the temperatures dropped and the precipitation moved in. As I sit here typing this update snow is swirling outside my office window. It is weird to be preparing for the end of the school year, and upcoming summer activities, while staring at snow falling from the sky.
After returning from Arizona we jumped right back into campus life. How could you not miss these faces? (Serves them right for stealing my phone and taking pictures on it!)
The day before Steve's birthday we had an illusionist come to preform for the students. They had just returned from traveling to the Aleutian islands to preform in Village schools. After the illusionist performed, his friend shared his testimony which resonated with many of our students (and staff.) It was a very effective ministry, and our students loved the show.
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Steve was tasked with tightening the straight-jacket |
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Some parts of the straight-jacket assembly were more awkward than others... |
As April came, so did the snowy cold weather. A few days ago we had a particularly hard snow-fall. The kids loved it, and we decided to take advantage of the spring snow and take a family hike down the trail behind our house.
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The path in the woods behind our house parralels the bluff overlooking the inlet. On stormy days it is quite the view! |
That has been our spring so far. We have three weeks left of school for the ACC students, and then we get to celebrate as 4 more students earn their Associates degrees (2 in Christian Ministry, 2 in Paraprofessional Education.) We will have pictures from that in our next update. As you start to think about your own summers please remember to pray for our students as they head into summer internships, or head back home to their own villages and towns. It can be hard to leave the support system here at ACC, and while they are all looking forward to a break from school, many aren't looking forward to leaving for the summer. Thanks to all of you who partner with us here at ACC, and to our friends and family who check in with us through our blog!