Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'm leaving on a jet plane

...and Steve is driving 3800 miles! :)  We are so excited that we found very inexpensive (aka $100!) plane tickets for the kids and I on Alaska Airlines so the three of us will not have to do the long drive. Steve will be doing the drive starting May 24th with his good friend (and one of our supporters) Bryan Powers. The boys are planning on doing the drive as quickly (and safely!) as possible. I have heard talk about them sleeping in the back of my truck, etc. I guess I should be happy they are saving money on hotels, but I don't know if I will ever get my truck smelling normal again!

We just got back from a weekend at the Grand Canyon with Steve's parents. Steve and I have been quite a few times since meeting, but we realized that we have never taken the kids. So last weekend the 6 of us drove up to Williams and then took the Grand Canyon Railway up to the canyon for a night. Poor Noah developed the stomach flu on the trip up and spent much of the trip resting in the hotel room, but he was such a trooper and even smiled for a few pictures. Grace had an amazing time- she is just at the perfect age for this kind of a trip! Both kids earned their junior ranger badges by attending a ranger talk and filling out a work book. They are both so excited to visit the national parks in Alaska and earn their badges there.

In front of our Train- check out the socks!

Getting their Jr Ranger Badges

It got a little chilly the second day- but nothing close to Alaska cold :) That's Noah's Jr. Ranger badge on his hat.

With about 2 weeks left before Steve gets on the road we are working hard to finish up all of our loose ends here in Arizona. I graduate Friday morning with my Masters in Information Resources and Library Science. The kids finish school the 23rd of May. We found a good deal on a used 20' trailer that my Expedition will be able to tow up to Alaska. Other then some last minute packing, we have been working on finishing up our support raising. God has been so faithful to provide so many people with a heart for Alaska. We need to be at 80% of our total monthly goal in order to be able to head up North in a couple of weeks. As of today we are at 75%, so if you have been considering giving but haven't made a commitment yet, now is the time! An extra $200/month would get us to that 80%!

We have been sending out monthly newsletters by email and snail mail for those that prefer that method. If you are not currently receiving our newsletters and would like to, please email me at lindsayhallam@gmail.com and I would be happy to add you to our list.

Our "new" trailer

The next newsletter I send out will be from Alaska! We are so very excited to see what God has planned for our family, thanks for being part of the adventure!

Random Alaska Fact O' the Month: If New York City had the same population density as Alaska, only 16 people would be living in Manhattan

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